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Android Animation Detailed Tutorial / Android 动画详尽教程

Android Animation Set

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Ⅰ. View Animation / 视图动画

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Ⅱ. Drawable Animation / 帧动画 / Frame 动画

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Ⅲ. Property Animation / 属性动画

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Ⅳ. Ripple Effect / Touch Feedback / 触摸反馈动画

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Ⅴ. Reveal Effect / 揭露动画

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Ⅵ. Transition Animation / 转场动画 & 共享元素

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Ⅶ. Animate View State Changes / 视图状态动画

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StateListAnimator and StateListDrawable

Ⅷ. AnimatedVectorDrawable / 矢量图动画

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or AnimatedVectorDrawable
or VectorDrawable

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